232 research outputs found

    Perceived Environmental Supportiveness Scale: Portuguese Translation, Validation and Adaptation to the Physical Education Domain

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    Aim: Grounded on Self-Determination Theory, this study aimed to translate, adapt and validate the Perceived Environmental Supportiveness Scale (PESS) in a sample of Portuguese physical education students. Methods: The global sample was comprised of 964 students (518 females), divided in two groups: the calibration (n = 469) and the validation one (n = 483), all of them enrolled in two Physical Education (PE) classes/week. Results: The analysis provided support for a one factor and 12 items model, which are in line with the values adopted in the methodology (χ² = 196.123, df = 54, p = <.001, SRMR = .035, NNFI = .943, CFI = .954, RMSEA = .074, 90% CI .063-.085). Results express that the models are invariant in all analysis (i.e., calibration vs. validation, male vs. female,and 3rd vs. secondary cycle; three and single factor models). Conclusion: The present study suggests that the PESS with one factor and 12 items has good psychometric properties and can be used to assess perceived need supportive motivational environments provided by PE teachers. Additionally, invariance analysis showed support for the use of the scale in both genders and in the 3rd and secondary cycles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (Paces) as a Two-Dimensional Scale: Exploratory and Invariance Analysis

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    The current study aims to examine the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) as a two-dimensional scale assessing two correlated but distinct dimensions of enjoyment. In total, 277 individuals (female = 108) aged between 18 and 53 years (M = 35.66; SD = 7.42) participated in the study. The unidimensional model solution displayed good fit. However, the exploratory structural equation modelling specification considering two correlated but distinct dimensions of enjoyment showed a better fit. This study was the first attempt to examine the possible existence of two dimensions within the eight-item PACES measure. The distinct aspect of the current research is to emphasize the complex and constant process of instrument validation. Scales should be viewed as a continuous process, and future methodological procedures will increase our understanding of instrument examination with more innovative statistical approaches.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The relationship between past exercise behavior and future exercise adherence: A sequential mediation analysis

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    The present study explored the mediation role of past exercise adherence, self-reported frequency and intentions in the association between past experience and future exercise adherence. In total, 431 exercisers (female = 216; male = 215) aged 18 and 64 years, engaged in fitness activities such as group fitness classes and resistance training, were included in the analysis. Serial mediation procedures were employed to examine the direct, indirect, and total indirect effects among variables. The predictor variable and all mediators displayed a positive and significant association with future six-month adherence. Past six-month exercise adherence displayed the most significant association with future six-month adherence. The sequential indirect path from exercise experience → past six-months adherence → self-reported frequency → intentions future six-months adherence displayed a positive and significant effect (β = .19 [CI95% = .09, .31]), presenting a partial mediation effect. Past behaviour is the most significant predictor of future adherence, and thus interventions should be based on promoting consistent exercise frequency. Professionals working in the fitness centre context can identify possible dropouts based on their past behaviour and intentions to be physically active in the future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Patente Europeia de Efeito Unitário – Impacto no Desenvolvimento Económico Europeu

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    Tese de mestrado, Regulação e Avaliação do Medicamento e Produtos de Saúde, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2018O investimento na proteção de patentes tem em consideração múltiplos aspetos da realidade em que esta se insere e que influenciam o planeamento estratégico de modo a tornar certos países ou territórios, de maior interesse em termos de propriedade industrial. O mercado fragmentado de patentes e as diferenças significativas entre sistemas judiciais nacionais na União Europeia são prejudiciais para a inovação e comportam um grande peso na atividade das empresas que procurem proteção das suas invenções neste continente. Obter, aplicar e gerir patentes na União Europeia está longe de ser eficiente ou custo-efetivo. Estes motivos levam à necessidade da uniformização dos princípios jurídicos e procedimentos administrativos para unificar o mercado da Propriedade Industrial na União Europeia. É neste contexto de multiplicidade de fronteiras dentro da União Europeia que surge o tema central desta discussão: o Efeito Unitário. O Efeito Unitário da Patente Europeia, ou Patente Unitária, é um conceito em discussão há mais de quatro décadas e a sua implementação, a par da criação do Tribunal Unificado de Patentes da União Europeia, apresenta-se como uma solução ideal que usufrui de estruturas já existentes e processos conhecidos para sobre eles unificar a Patente Europeia a par do mercado e moeda únicos. Em suma, a via unitária deverá ser uma alternativa a ponderar pelo requerente, estrategicamente, juntamente com as tradicionais Patentes Nacionais e Europeia com validações nacionais, colmatando progressivamente uma lacuna grave na união da Europa como mercado aberto e único. O sistema terá um impacto tão relevante quanto o maior número de participantes envolvidos, quer de Estados Membro Contratantes que contribuem para a valorização do Tribunal Unificado de Patentes e da patente que tutela, como do número de requerentes que comprovará a qualidade, eficácia e eficiência do novo sistema para os restantes. A indústria farmacêutica está particularmente bem posicionada para ser pioneira no recurso ao Efeito Unitário da Patente Europeia, com produtos destinados a um mercado e estratégia globais, frequentemente associados a custos elevados de manutenção, complexidade na gestão dos seus direitos e custos judiciais de valores elevados, podendo representar uma redução de custos até agora incontornáveis na gestão de Propriedade Industrial.Investment in patent protection takes into consideration multiple aspects of the reality in which it is embedded and that may influence its strategic planning in order to make certain countries or territories of greater interest in terms of industrial property. The split patent market and the significant differences between national judicial systems in the European Union are harmful to innovation and put a heavy burden on the activity of companies seeking to protect their inventions on this continent. Obtaining, enforcing and managing patents in the European Union is far from efficient or cost-effective. These reasons lead to the need for the harmonization of legal principles and administrative procedures to unify Industrial Property markets in the European Union. It’s in this background of multiplicity of borders within the European Union that the core theme of this discussion arises: the Unitary Effect. The Unitary Effect of the European Patent, or Unitary Patent, is a concept under discussion for over four decades and its implementation, together with the creation of a Unified Patent Court for the European Union, presents itself as an ideal solution that benefits from existing structures and known processes to unify the European Patent over, alongside the current single market and currency. In short, the unitary route should be an alternative to be considered by the applicant in strategic terms, together with the traditional National and European Patent and national validations, progressively bridging a serious gap in the European unity as an open and single market. The system will have as relevant an impact as the greater number of participants are involved, either Contracting Member States that contribute to enhancing the value of the Unified Patent Court and the patent under its custody, and the number of applicants who will verify the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the new system for all else. The pharmaceutical industry is particularly well placed to pioneer the use of the European Patent with Unitary Effect, with products destined for a global market and a geographically wide strategy usually associated with high maintenance costs, complex rights management and highly costly litigations, which may represent a cost reduction unavoidable up until now in Industrial Property management

    Exercício físico e resposta emocional: um estudo baseado na teoria da autodeterminação

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    Orientação: António Labisa PalmeiraA sociedade contemporânea apresenta um conjunto de desafios que solicitam aos profissionais de saúde a capacidade de ajustarem as suas intervenções face a uma multiplicidade de fatores. Em diversos contextos do exercício físico, particularmente no grande mercado em que o fitness se tornou, verifica-se que muitas pessoas não realizam regularmente qualquer tipo de atividade física e/ou nem sempre a frequência/intensidade/duração são as ideais face às recomendações internacionais para obterem os devidos benefícios da prática. Esta dificuldade por parte de algumas pessoas na adesão continuada ao exercício deve ser uma preocupação central na intervenção dos profissionais de exercício. Assim, neste trabalho recorreu-se a pressupostos da psicologia do exercício e em particular sustentando-nos na Teoria da Autodeterminação para analisar e estudar fatores influenciadores desta problemática. Deste modo, definiu-se como objetivo central do trabalho analisar a relação das necessidades psicológicas básicas e regulações motivacionais na resposta emocional ao exercício, em praticantes de exercício físico em ginásios e health clubs. Quatro estudos foram desenvolvidos de forma a dar consecução ao objetivo definido, um de revisão, e os restantes três utilizando uma forte orientação no estudo e compreensão da influência de mediadores na relação entre variáveis. Os principais resultados indicam que a satisfação das necessidades psicológicas básicas em ginásios e health clubs se encontra associada a melhores respostas emocionais. Isto verificou-se através do seu efeito direto nas variáveis emocionais, assim como na sua influência em outras variáveis e manifestação dos respetivos efeitos indiretos. Verificou-se ainda que regulações motivacionais mais autónomas tendem a predizer melhores indicadores de bem-estar e que atuam como mediadoras na relação entre as necessidades psicológicas básicas e a resposta emocional. Em conclusão, suportado na evidência disponível e com base nos resultados obtidos, compreende-se que a Teoria da Autodeterminação é uma abordagem teórica válida na compreensão da resposta emocional dos praticantes de atividades em ginásios e health clubs. Verificou-se que a satisfação das NPB estava associada a melhores respostas emocionais nos praticantes, suportada, em parte, pelas regulações motivacionais mais autónomas.Contemporary society presents a set of challenges that demands of the health professionals the ability to adjust their interventions to face a multitude of factors. In different contexts of physical exercise, particularly in the large fitness market, it has become apparent that many people do not regularly perform any type of physical activity and that not always the frequency/intensity/duration are the ideal regarding international recommendations to obtain practice appropriate benefits. Some people difficulty to maintain exercise adherence should be a central concern in exercise professional‘s interventions. In this work exercise psychology frameworks were used, and in particular sustained by the Self-Determination Theory, in order to analyze and study the factors influencing this problem. Thus, it was defined as central objective of the work to analyze the relationship of the basic psychological needs and motivational regulations in the emotional response to physical exercise in gyms and health clubs. Four studies have been developed to give achieving the set goal, a revision, and the other three using a strong focus on the study and understanding of the influence of mediators in the relationship between variables. The main results indicate that basic psychological needs satisfaction in gyms and health clubs is associated with better emotional responses. This was verified through its direct effect on emotional variables, influence on other variables and manifestation of the respective indirect effects. It was also found that more autonomous motivational regulations tend to predict better health indicators and to act as mediators in the relationship between the basic psychological needs and emotional response. In conclusion, supported by the available evidence and based on the results obtained, it was possible to understand that the Self-Determination Theory is a valid theoretical approach in the comprehension of the emotional response in gyms and health clubs exercisers. It was found that the BPN satisfaction was associated with better emotional responses, supported, in part, by exercisers autonomous regulations

    Are the self-esteem and the adult attachment affected by previous experiences of youth victimization?

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    Poster presented at the 4th International Congress of CiiEM – “Health, Well-being and Ageing in the XXI Century.” 2-5 June 2019, Campus Egas Moniz, Monte de Caparica, PortugalN/

    Are self-esteem and adult attachment affected by previous experiences of youth victimisation?

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A gamifacação nas empresas enquanto ferramenta motivacional

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    Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e Avaliação de DesempenhoA gamificação, apesar de derivar da palavra jogo, não significa literalmente jogar, mas sim na conceção de uma dimensão para induzir determinado tipo de comportamentos motivadores nos seus utilizadores, geralmente baseados na intenção ou numa atitude para alcançar um objetivo pré-definido. Após a descoberta da gamificação, esta tem sido testada em diversas áreas de conhecimento. Contudo, a adoção de estratégias de gamificação em contexto laboral, ainda é algo pouco usual em Portugal, ainda que as empresas que recorram a estratégias deste tipo tenham vindo a alcançar resultados bastante positivos. Mas será que o desenvolvimento de ferramentas que tenham na sua base lógicas e dinâmicas de gamificação, com elementos de jogos como sistemas de pontos, barras de progresso ou até moedas virtuais, contribuem de facto para a motivação dos colaboradores? O estudo de caso apresentado, com caráter exploratório, aponta que a gamificação contribui para o alcance dos objetivos mais facilmente, contribuindo para a motivação extrínseca, quando aliada a recompensas materiais (presentes num sistema de incentivos), sociais ou de reconhecimento, assumindo-se um ótimo meio para aumentar o engagement dos colaboradores para com a empresa.Gamification, despite deriving from the word game, does not literally mean to play, but rather the design of a dimension to induce certain types of motivating behaviours in its users, usually based on the intention or an attitude to achieve a pre-defined goal. After the discovery of gamification, it has been tested in several areas of knowledge, however, the adoption of gamification strategies in a work context is still somewhat unusual in Portugal, although companies that use this type of strategies have been achieving very positive results. But does the development of tools based on gamification logic and dynamics, with game elements such as points systems, progress bars or even virtual currencies, really contribute to employee motivation? The case study presented, as an exploratory study, points out that gamification contributes to the achievement of objectives more easily, contributing to extrinsic motivation, when combined with material rewards (present in an incentive system), social or recognition rewards, being a great way to increase employee engagement with the company.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Co-Occurrence of Satisfaction and Frustration of Basic Psychological Needs and Its Relationship with Exercisers' Motivation

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    Although the relationship between both need frustration and, particularly, need satisfaction and different motivational regulations for exercise has been widely examined in the literature, little is known about the co-occurrence of both need satisfaction and need frustration in the exercise context. Grounded in self-determination theory, the present study aimed to examine the effects of both need satisfaction and frustration on motivational regulations for exercise, by applying a response surface analysis approach. In total, 477 regular exercisers aged 18-54 years participated in this study. The interaction between needs (high on both need satisfaction and frustration) displayed a positive and significant association with amotivation, integrated regulation, and intrinsic motivation. Considering the direction of the discrepancy (high vs. low levels of need satisfaction and frustration) related to the behavioral regulations, results showed that higher need satisfaction relative to need frustration was associated with more self-determined regulations of motivation. Contrarily, higher need satisfaction relative to need frustration was associated with lower scores on amotivation, external, introjected, and identified regulation. Overall, these findings extend previous literature, suggesting that need satisfaction and frustration are distinct factors that can be experienced simultaneously in individuals during exercise and that different degrees of both needs have different associations with behavioral regulations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio